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A Comprehensive Framework For Electoral Reform

Freedom to Vote Act: A Landmark Bill for Democracy

A Comprehensive Framework for Electoral Reform

The Freedom to Vote Act is a landmark piece of legislation that seeks to address a wide range of issues related to voter registration, voting access, election integrity, redistricting, and campaign finance. This transformative federal legislation would bolster democracy by:

Expanding Voter Access

The bill would make it easier for eligible citizens to register and vote, including by allowing for online and same-day voter registration, automatic voter registration, and early voting.

Protecting Voting Rights

The act would protect the voting rights of marginalized communities by prohibiting discriminatory practices such as voter ID laws and felon disenfranchisement.

Ensuring Election Integrity

The bill would strengthen election security by modernizing voting systems, expanding access to audits, and reducing the influence of corporate money in politics.

Reforming Redistricting

The Freedom to Vote Act would establish fair and transparent redistricting processes to prevent gerrymandering and ensure that all voters have an equal voice.

Regulating Campaign Finance

The bill would reform campaign finance laws to reduce the influence of special interests and promote transparent and competitive elections.

Congress came extremely close to passing the Freedom to Vote Act in 2022, but it was reintroduced in 2023 as S1 and HR1. The bill faces an uphill battle in a politically divided Congress, but it has the potential to be a transformative piece of legislation that strengthens democracy for all Americans.
